The Deep Things of God: An Insider's Guide to the Book of Revelation

ISBN 9780828018128
By:   Jon Paulien

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This practical handbook for studying the book of Revelation brings a fresh look and helpful insights to a sometimes perplexing book.

Description / The Deep Things of God: An Insider's Guide to the Book of Revelation

Revelation Offers Riches to the Wise

Never more relevant than in today's apocalyptic culture, the book of Revelation offers riches to the wise but conceals many land mines for the unskilled. This is the first in a series of handbooks by a recognized expert in the field, bringing biblical scholarship to bear on the most perplexing book of the Bible.

Starting with a quick survey of prophecy from Genesis to Revelation, Jon Paulien teases out the hidden patterns of God's working in history that underlie sound exegesis. He shows how prophets move from literal to spiritual, how they use the language of the past to describe the future, and how they employ

literary structures, such as chiasm, as clues to their meaning.

The author demonstrates how the structure of the Hebrew sanctuary, extracanonical writings, and even a pagan goddess can help us unlock the secrets of Revelation. He explains how Ellen G. White relates to Scripture and how careful attention to Old Testament roots sheds new light on topics such as the meaning of 666.

This practical how-to volume will discourage bizarre and speculative interpretations and will deepen respect for the Author of prophecy, who is always consistent but never predictable.

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Item Format Paperback
Author Name Jon Paulien
Publisher Review and Herald Publishing
Weight (lbs) 0.520000
Page Count 176
Language English
Year Published 2004

Customer Reviews

A must read
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The biblical book of Revelation has probably had more ink spilled over it than any other book of the Bible. It is an engimatic book to most people filled will weird symbols that are a repository for an incredible range of theories and interpretations. How do we make sense of it? Is there a right way to intepret it? Are there principles that can guide us as we journey through its fantastic landscape?

Jon Paulien has written a brilliant guide to understanding this book in his The Deep Things of God: An Insider's Guide to the Book of Revelation. In an easy-to-read style, Paulien surveys the world of Revelation, the patterns of Bible prophecy from Genesis to Revelation, issues and problems dealing with the writings of dead prophets, safeguards for Bible study, tools to help in interpreting the Bible and Revelation, the overall structure of Revelation, the way that the writer of Revelation uses the Old Testament, and how to see Christ in the pages of Revelation.

Jon Paulien has spent 30 years studying the book and it shows in his gifted explanation of this important book of Scripture. Rather than tell the reader what Revelation means, Paulien's burden is to describe a method for understanding the book for ourselves which is faithful to Revelation itself. It is so easy to read our own agenda into Revelation. Paulien offers a way of avoiding that and genuinely hearing what the author of the book really wanted to say. On the way, though, he illustrates the method by shedding light on some of the most difficult passages in Revelation. This is truly an exciting book for anyone wanting to carefully and responsibly interpret Revelation.

Jon Paulien is a Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) scholar and, therefore, has commented on various issues relevant to that denomination's members. Seventh-day Adventists claim that Ellen G White, one of the founders of the denomination, is a prophet whose writings are authoritative for members. In a few places in his book he comments on the relationship between White's writings and interpreting Revelation. These issues are not relevant to non-Seventh-day Adventist Christians and detract from the overall general nature of the book. This should not deter the general Christian reader, however. The general Christian reader can safely ignore those parts which are not relevant. These parts of the book are minimal and the majority of the book is quite brilliant and relevant to anyone wishing to understand Revelation. Seventh-day Adventists, however, should listen carefully to what Paulien has to say to them in particular as he give wise advice on using extra-biblical sources when interpreting the Bible.

If you are interested in uncovering the "secrets" of Revelation then this book is a must read.

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