The God Beyond Your Wildest Dreams (A Study Guide)

ISBN 9780816362547

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The 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are far more than just a list of doctrines, rules, and proof texts. Each belief tells a powerful story of a God of indescribable love.  This personal and small-group study guide unpacks each one and brings a God beyond your wildest dreams to life like never before.

Description / The God Beyond Your Wildest Dreams (A Study Guide)

 “Wait right there, Pastor.” Margie put up her hand up in the universal stop “sign”. She interrupted me in my first attempt to introduce her to Jesus: “I’ve heard that salvation stuff before. But it’s for good girls, innocent girls, not the likes of me. I’ve been around.” With one hand she gestured drawing attention to the tattoos on her arms. “I’ve done things that would make a sailor blush. My heart’s as black as that there cup of coffee.

“As a little girl I went to church then drifted away and messed up. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. He has enough on me now to permanently bar me from the pearly gates let alone steppin’ through your church doors. You’re delivering your message to the wrong address trying to rescue me. I’m beyond saving. I assure you He doesn’t want me.”

“Margie, I promise you that He wants you! From the day you walked away from His church and from His heart, He has pursued you like a lost treasure. Like an anxious mother staying up until her daughter returns home from her date, He eagerly awaits your return. With each sunrise He reminds you that He renews His mercy every day. He assures you that His arms of forgiveness long to embrace you. Each expression of love for you, from your sister’s gifts to the unexpected hug of a neighbor’s child, originates in His heart. He whispers your name in the night’s cool breeze. He still counts you as His daughter. He replays in your memory the songs of praise you sang to Him as a child, keeping you connected to Him, reminding you not just that He loves you but that you love Him too. He sacrificed Himself to get you back, because His family will not be complete without you. Margie, I tell you again, He loves you!”

She stared at me glassy eyed and said nothing for a moment, then choking back the tears, she said, “That’s the God I wish I knew. If He were like you just said, then even I would have hope. But the God you just described is the God beyond my wildest dreams.”

I broke into a smile. “Then let me introduce you to the God beyond your wildest dreams.” 

The 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are far more than just a list of doctrines, rules, and proof texts. Each belief tells a powerful story of God of indescribable love.  This personal and small-group study guide unpacks each one and brings a God beyond your wildest dreams to life like never before.

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Item Format Paperback
Item Format Description Study Guides
Author Name James Berglund
Publisher Pacific Press Publishing Association
Weight (lbs) 0.840000
Page Count 128
Language English
Year Published 2017

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Customer Reviews

God centered, Great for relationship building with God through fundamental beliefs and sharing
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This book is one that you will not regret using in your spiritual journey or sharing with someone who needs to know that God is a personal God. I like the way the author breaks down fundamental truths of the Bible into pieces that show how God loves me personally and how He desires to have me as His. Even points of scripture that I already knew, I applied to my life in a new way. I used this book as a devotional guide, and I like the fact that the chapters were long enough to explain the topic thoroughly but was short enough to fit into a busy day. I also like that each chapter is broken into smaller segments which made it easy to come back to if I couldn’t read the whole chapter at once. At the end of the chapter are a few thoughts to ponder that I thought really helped me to personalize the relationship I have with God, but mostly the relationship God wants to have with me. I have purchased a number of these books to share with friends and family, and also bought it to have on my Kindle so that I can refer to it anytime.
Beyond MY Wildest Dreams
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I started reading this book to help me better understand the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh Day-Adventist Church. However, the stories and the bible versus were a great guide for learning about God, His love for us, and all that HE has given to mankind through His Son Jesus Christ.
Christ Centered Practical Theology
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Gain a fuller picture of our incredible God. This study guide has rich analogies & helpful questions. Bible veteran's and newbies alike will find this book enlightening and fresh.

As a pastor I used this as a study book for several small groups including youth and young adults. My friend Rebekah was most inspired by "The Custody Battle" chapter on the final judgement. Saying, "I have never been more certain of Christ's love!"

For me the most powerful chapter is "Principles to Live By." More helpful then a list of does and don'ts this book invites readers to examine how choices effect our lives in Christ and gives Bible verses and principles to help each individual process what they should be doing to live a more abundant life in God.

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